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Feels like the reheated leftovers of the original movie
29 May 2024
Airplane II: The Sequel feels like the reheated leftovers of the original movie. This comedy uses a lot of recycled jokes, which aren't as funny the second time around, and the original stuff isn't that clever. Perhaps it's just because the story is supposedly set in the future, but this movie feels more dated, too. I'm not saying I didn't laugh at all while watching it. In fact, it made me chuckle a few times. However, it's not laugh out loud funny. I can't say that I was surprised when I found out that the team who wrote & directed Airplane! (1980) had no involvement with Airplane II: The Sequel.
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Pitch Perfect (2012)
Ridiculous, but it knows that it's ridiculous
28 May 2024
Pitch Perfect is ridiculous, but it knows that it's ridiculous. The fact that this movie is in on the joke about how seriously these characters take acapella singing makes it enjoyable. The whole cast has moments where they shine, yet Anna Kendrick, Anna Camp, and Brittany Snow really are the standout performances. Even Rebel Wilson is more humorous than annoying. Plus, despite the corny choreography and cheesy vocal arrangements, I enjoy the songs they sing throughout the movie. Pitch Perfect isn't a film I'll watch regularly, but if others want to put it on every now and then, I won't complain.
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Gunga Din (1939)
Started off inconsistent, but landed on its feet
25 May 2024
I wasn't sold on Gunga Din when it started. The tone of this movie felt inconsistent. It felt like the main three characters were in a comedy whereas the rest of the film was a drama. However, as the story progressed, I became more invested in the relationship between Cutter, MacChesney & Ballantine. And I thought the ending was tense and well done. It's entertaining to see Cary Grant play a character that isn't as polished as his later roles. Having never read the poem on which this film is loosely based, I wasn't sure why this film was called Gunga Din. Now I know. And I appreciate that choice.
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I definitely give Kindergarten Cop a passing grade.
16 May 2024
I used to watch Kindergarten Cop all the time when I was younger, so I was excited to show it to my children. It may have been a little intense for my younger kids. I had forgotten how this is only a light-hearted comedy in the middle of the story, but it's an action film at the beginning at the end. This really is an entertaining movie. Arnold Schwarzenegger fits the role of the uninitiated teacher quite well, but the real selling point is the kid actors. They are adorable and they do such a good job. I also really like Pamela Reed's performance. I definitely give Kindergarten Cop a passing grade.
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Unfrosted (2024)
Not great, but enjoyable if you're in the right mood (much like eating a Pop-Tart)
11 May 2024
Unfrosted mixes a bunch of comedians together in a silly story and the result is about as good as eating Pop-Tarts. It's not great, but it's enjoyable enough if you're in the right mood. If this were a short comedy sketch on Saturday Night Live it would probably be pretty popular. The humor is very on-the-nose. It's not trying to be subtle at all. You can tell that the cast probably had a great time hanging out while making the movie, and most likely made up some of the jokes on the spot. I laughed a few times but, much like eating a Pop-Tart, I felt a little let down by the experience afterwards.
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It's funny how serious this movie takes itself
10 May 2024
I kind of wish I wouldn't have watched Saturday Night Fever. It's a dated, melodramatic mess. Instead of story, they have strutting. Instead of character development, they have choreography. Instead of dialog, they have dancing. This movie a joke, but the only funny thing about it is how seriously it takes itself. And there really isn't anyone to root for. None of the characters are likeable. It's also a lot more offensive than I anticipated. The soundtrack may be the only good thing that came out of Saturday Night Fever being made and now, after watching it, I like the songs a little bit less.
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Anastasia (1997)
Probably the best non-Disney Disney movie out there
8 May 2024
Anastasia is probably the best non-Disney Disney movie out there. The animation, the musical numbers, the all-star cast, and the humor all mimic the style of Disney movies of the 90s. And while there many aspects of this movie that I enjoy, one of the weakest links in the chain is the voice acting. At times, it's as if I can see Meg Ryan, John Cusack, and Christopher Lloyd reading their lines in a recording booth instead of Anastasia, Dimitri, and Rasputin speaking with each other. And while Anastasia is far from realistic, it's a good introduction to the fascinating true story of the Romanov family.
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The Wizard (1989)
A Nintendo marketing ploy that I enjoy
30 April 2024
Of all the shameless marketing ploys to sell Nintendo products to kids in the 80s, The Wizard is probably the best. I thought this movie was so cool when I saw it back then, and dreamed of the day when I would be able to compete in a video game championship like Jimmy did. The viewing experience was a little different as an adult. I still like it, but I definitely noticed the glitches in the script. They used a lot of cheat codes for the plot. It was also more dramatic than I remembered. Yes, this movie is a little ridiculous, but The Wizard will always hold a special place in my memory banks.
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Twister (I) (1996)
You may not be blown away by it, but Twister definitely makes an impact
30 April 2024
Twister does everything in its power to make storm chasing cool. It presents a team of colorful characters (including many familiar faces that I forgot were in this movie) who energetically throw out facts and jargon to make themselves seem like the most expert experts ever. There's even a rival team of storm chasers to root against. It's a fun whirlwind ride, but it is a little silly. Thankfully, the visual effects still hold up (for the most part) after all these years, and the story is still relatable. You may not be blown away by it, but Twister definitely makes an impact on anyone who sees it.
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I may forget I saw Mickey Blue Eyes, but I enjoyed it while I watched it
23 April 2024
I remember seeing posters for Mickey Blue Eyes when it came out, but I didn't really hear anything about the movie from others and it slowly faded into the past. It's actually not a bad romantic comedy. I smirked, laughed, and gasped at times, and I generally enjoyed myself as I watched it. The plot is definitely contrived, but no more so than other rom-coms of the time. It's no surprised that Hugh Grant plays the part of a bumbling, awkward Englishman well, and I actually liked seeing Burt Young in his role as a no-nonsense mobster. I may forget I saw Mickey Blue Eyes, but I liked it in the moment.
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Wish (II) (2023)
I wish that Wish were better.
23 April 2024
What should have been a bright and shining celebration of 100 years of Disney kind of sputters out in Wish. It's not a terrible movie, it just seems in line with the lackluster offerings Disney has been churning out lately. I think one of the main issues is the story. It's overly complicated and lacks the humor that could have elevated the rest of the film. And while I appreciate that this movie actually has a villain, King Magnifico isn't as threating or thrilling as classic Disney villains-though his song is one of the few that I can remember. They're mostly forgettable. I wish that Wish were better.
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I don't understand how a movie about the formation of a secret organization of super spies can be so dull
23 April 2024
I absolutely enjoyed Kingsman: The Secret Service. However, it seems that with each sequel this franchise loses some of its magic. Kingsman: The Golden Circle wasn't as entertaining as its predecessor and The King's Man is even less so. I don't understand how a movie about the formation of a secret organization of super spies can be so dull, yet it is. I even found myself staring blankly at some of the action sequences, waiting for them to be over the story could move on. Maybe it would have been more amusing if I were well-versed in World War I history, but The King's Man takes itself too seriously.
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A video brochure for Vietnam tourism featuring Rachael Leigh Cook
19 April 2024
We decided to watch A Tourist's Guide to Love because Rachael Leigh Cook is in it. It was nice to see her again. This is a pretty standard romantic comedy, but it is also a video brochure for Vietnam tourism. The country the story is set in plays almost as big of a part as any of the cast. It does seem like a beautiful place. Even though there are some elements of the plot that don't make sense, some of the cast are better at acting than others, and it is easy to predict what is going to happen next, I still enjoyed watching A Tourist's Guide to Love (and not just because of Rachael Leigh Cook).
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words how disappointing Rocketman is.
15 April 2024
I'm a big fan of Elton John's music, but I am not a fan of Rocketman. In fact, I'm kind of annoyed at this musical biopic because it made me like Elton John less. This movie feels like a fan-made rock opera, with popular songs shoehorned in at various spots. In addition, much like Elton's stage personas, this film has a sense of falseness to it, as if the filmmakers put up a showy façade to mask the real-life events. And you'd think that with Elton so involved with the production, it wouldn't have so many inaccuracies. I hope you don't mind that I put down in words how disappointing Rocketman is.
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As a parent, this movie made an impact on me
12 April 2024
I remember Boyz n the Hood making a pretty big impact when it came out in 1991, but I didn't see this movie until now. It definitely made an impression on me. This film does not reflect my childhood, but there were elements I was able to relate to, especially as a parent. Laurence Fishburne gives a stand-out performance as a father who is just trying his best to raise his son right. Even though, cinematically, it has a few bumpy moments as the director, John Singleton, tries to find his footing during his feature film debut, Boyz n the Hood is an impactful movie. And it's FAR better than Friday (1995).
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Gilda (1946)
Rita Hayworth is a knockout
8 April 2024
I'll confess that I decided to watch Gilda because of its brief, yet memorable appearance in The Shawshank Redemption. And I'll agree with Red and the rest of the guys at Shawshank State Prison, Rita Hayworth is a knockout. She is iconic in her role as the eponymous femme fatale. In addition, Glenn Ford is no slouch when he's standing toe-to-toe with her. This film has an interesting story, but it seemed a little underdeveloped. I didn't quite understand the motivations of some of the characters, and while the second act drags, the finale feels abrupt. Nevertheless, Gilda definitely held my attention.
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Anastasia (1956)
Ingrid Bergman is the real star here
31 March 2024
I've seen the animated Anastasia movie, so I figured that this 1956 live-action film would be a more realistic & dramatic, less musical version of that story, and I was right. That's exactly what it is. Ingrid Bergman is the real star here. She's able to carry the weight of the film on her shoulders. 1956 was a big year for Yul Brynner, with The King and I, The Ten Commandments, and Anastasia all releasing in theaters, but this role is the least memorable of those three. This is a fascinating true story, yet I have to admit that I still prefer the 1997 adaptation over this version of Anastasia.
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Friday (1995)
Bye, Friday!
28 March 2024
I'll be the first to admit that Friday was not made for me. I'm obviously not the target demographic. However, the whole time I was watching this movie, I kept wondering how anyone could possibly enjoy it. The plot is basically two guys hanging out on a porch smoking weed. That's about it. And when the humor isn't crass, it's juvenile and predictable. But don't worry if you miss a joke, because they'll repeat it about a dozen times. This is a movie about aimless characters that was made by an aimless director and writers. It was a complete waste of my time and I regret watching it. Bye, Friday!
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This movie has focal retrograde amnesia
27 March 2024
Much like the lead character in The Long Kiss Goodnight, this movie constantly forgets what it is. I almost got whiplash from the tonal shifts, not to mention the choppy editing and leaps in logic. The action scenes and dramatic moments are laughable, whereas the comedy is not. I was shocked by how ridiculous some of the moments are. I think both Geena Davis & Samuel L. Jackson are good actors, but you wouldn't know it from watching this. Although compared to the rest of the cast, they do all right. I was curious as to what this story was about, but now I happily bid goodbye to The Long Kiss Goodnight.
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That joke became less funny to me
26 March 2024
I used to think "maybe the dingo ate your baby" was a funny joke, but after watching A Cry in the Dark, I'm not so sure anymore. As a parent, I was horrified by the events that unfolded on the screen, and realizing that they actually happened made it even more impactful. This is a tragic story portrayed on screen by talented actors who give it a sense of realism. I was also infuriated by how the public and the media twisted the story around and made the Chamberlains out to be the bad guys. That being said, the film is a little slow and repetitive, but this story will haunt my mind for a long time.
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I wish I would have seen this movie in theaters
19 March 2024
I made a mistake. I didn't see Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves in theaters and I should have. But because I and many other people felt lukewarm about this film when it came out, it bombed at the box office and it shouldn't have. It's a fun movie that deserves more love and attention. The humor is charming, the action is exciting, and the visual effects are impressive. I thought the cast did a great job, too. This film even made me like Michelle Rodriguez, which is no small feat. I wish I could use a spell to go back in time and buy a ticket for Dungeons & Dragons and tell others to do the same.
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Wonka (2023)
The filmmaking recipe is definitely more seasoned for children
13 March 2024
I was not excited to see Wonka because I didn't think Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory needed a prequel. I still think it doesn't, but Wonka is not exactly the origin story of the beloved 1971 family film. This movie hides out in another corner of the Wonkaverse and it is kind of its own thing. I liked Timothée Chalamet's character, but I kept wondering if this story would have been stronger if he were not Willy Wonka. I also think using Hugh Grant as a CG-Oompa Loompa is a mistake. The filmmaking recipe is definitely more seasoned for children, but I enjoyed Wonka more than I thought I would.
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Past Lives (2023)
A simple story featuring complicated emotions
12 March 2024
Past Lives is a simple story featuring complicated emotions. Greta Lee and Teo Yoo both make their characters so relatable and believable that every little decision they make feels like a big deal. The dialogue feels natural, too, and shows sentimental restraint. This film is also beautifully shot. The cinematography is soothing, like an old friend coming to visit. I was surprised to discover this was Celine Song's feature film debut, and that she was the writer, as well, because this seemed like the work of a seasoned filmmaker. Past Lives is worth watching for anyone who had a childhood crush.
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Westworld (1973)
A great sci-fi concept told in a good way
5 March 2024
I remember seeing pieces of Westworld as a kid, but I don't know if I actually sat down and watched the entire movie start to finish until now. I've always been fascinated by the concept of this story, and I think Michael Crichton did a good job of writing the screenplay and directing this film (in his directorial debut). However, I do feel like there was some unfulfilled potential left on the table. And even with its short runtime, this movie tends to dwell on some scenes a little too long. Nevertheless, Westworld is still a solid sci-fi thriller with a very menacing Yul Brynner at the forefront.
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Such fast-paced dialogue that it's almost exhausting
4 March 2024
I enjoyed the previous pairing of Roald Dahl and Wes Anderson in Fantastic Mr. Fox, so I was looking forward to seeing The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar with my eyes. What I got was pretty much was I expected from a Wes Anderson film: an impressive cast, symmetrical framing, vibrant pastel colors, and lines recited at breakneck speed. In fact, most of the story is told very quickly by characters speaking directly at the camera. It feels almost rude to look away and it's somewhat exhausting. Yet, by the end, I finally found myself able to fully concentrate on this short film with no distractions.
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