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Snowfall (2017–2023)
4 Stars out of 5 Stars
13 May 2024
This show was recommended to me from a few coworkers and man, I didn't think I was gonna get caught up in this show like I did. There's a lot to it, but for the sake of time, I won't go over every season, but more as a whole.

Snowfall details the events leading up to , and the continuation of the crack epidemic that hit LA in the 1980s. The show focused mostly on Franklin, a guy who becomes the main dealer of this new drug. Along with his family and friends, the show basically shows the rise of their drug empire, and eventually shows the end of it too. Another character who is maybe just as important to the story is the cocaine supplier, Teddy, who also happens to be an undercover CIA agent who's selling cocaine to help fund the contra wars in Nicaragua. Now, there's so many other characters that I wish I had the patience to explain, such as Mel, Gustavo, Jerome, Leon, ect but I don't. What I will say is that each character I named adds to the story, which I'd say was vital. There's more characters too but those were just the ones that I remembered at the top of my head. Anyways, the central story of this is how this life of violence leads to corruption, mostly through the lens of Franklin. Now, the actor that portrays him did an absolutely wonderful job, showing a man who slowly looses himself to the life of murder. Probably one of my favorite character arcs I've seen in a long time, mostly because of the powerful performance of Damson Idris. If you don't believe me; the final episode should change anyone's mind. What a devastating ending that just made sense. I don't think they could have ended it better, but something in me wanted to see Franklin find himself again. At that's what made this show so good. Highly recommended.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020)
4 Stars out of 5 Stars
6 May 2024
Alright well, here we go. An ABC original show. (might contain some spoilers) I'm not sure why exactly I decided to watch this, but because I wanted to see the entire MCU franchise as intended, I suppose that was really the underlining reason. But regarding this show. At least first impressions.... Seriously, regarding the first half of season 1, who writes this? I mean the jokes.... are just cringe. The show starts off ..... very tacky. A lot of dumb humor everywhere, ridiculous scenarios if you think too much into it, ect. Just a lot of corny nonsense with sprinkles of cool material cause after all, it is set in the MCU. A lot of the characters were a bit annoying, plot holes regarding one of the most intelligent agencies being one of the stupidest agents of all time. Clarke Gregg and a couple other characters were okay, although the humor doesn't land very well between them usually. Chloe Bennet's character Sky was probably one of the worst aspects of the show imo. Her character is seen as an annoying, cringe-comedian throughut this first half of season 1, plus with every turn, she tried to lie and deceive everyone. I hate that this show tries to make you feel bad for her, even though she does it all to herself. Ming Na Wen's character The Calvary on the other hand is one of the greatest characters in this show though. She is just absolutely bada** and a great demeanor to her. But really, all of these negatives go out the window near the end of season 1. Idk what they did, maybe got new writers, but the shows improves excessively with twists, interconnection with Captain America: The winter soldier, and honestly, some of the characters I had a problem with started to grow on me. By time you're into the middle of season 2, you're infinitely hooked in this entertaining, dynamic show that gets rid of that boring, one-off plot stories like generic crime/buddy cop shows, and uses complex characters like Ward to become one minute good guy, and the next, using power for his own gain. Regarding the story, the introduction of Sky becoming an Inhuman was very interesting, and honestly as time went by and around the end of season 2, she becomes one of my favorite characters. How they made one of the worst characters become one of the best, I have no idea, but it happened, and I was very impressed with this show. Going into season 3, the show becomes almost nonstop s**t-show. Everyone who had this gene that eats fish or fish oil become in humans worldwide which sparks an huge influx of work being done by the crew. Ward coming back as Hive was such a weird introduction to keep the "character" alive and kept this fresh. Ward betrayed too many times. He lost his word; all of those promises he made about using T. A. H. I. T. I is gone and it's about time Coulson took care of it. Such a bittersweet moment. Then season 3 finale happened. We see the end of Hive (and Ward in a way too) and of course Lincoln being a noble character. He was really a misunderstood character that should of been treated better. Getting into season 4, we get a season sectioned off in 3 parts; the first one was Daisy, who finally is known as Quake, meets up with a man who made a deal with the devil... The Ghost Rider. This character was a different rendition than Nicholas Cages and better for it. The story they wrap around him/his uncle was interesting enough, with some pretty cool moments. The 2nd part of the season ramps up big time, having an a conspiracy involving AI lifelike robots (LMDs) pretty much take over S. H. I. E. L. D covertly. This introduces Aida which I think did a wonderful job showing an AI that goes a little haywire. The 3rd part involves Aida putting the SHIELD agents into a simulation while her robot replicas take over. This part was probably my favorite part of the season, having mostly all the agents stuck in this "what if" simulation where Hydra runs the world. This is where a lot of characters start to loose themselves, which I thought was really interesting to see. Also, this redeemed Ward 100%. Now season 5; probably the darkest and personally my favorite season of the entire series. It's kinda split in 2 parts, the first half of the season set in a supposed future where Quake destroyed the world, and the second part where they go back to the current timeline to stop the world being split in 2. Now, the first half was definitely cool, introducing us to plenty of new characters, most notable Deke, who happens to be Fitz and Simmons future grandson. Now, the futrue is a grim one in this timeline, showing Kree basically running things at Earths space stations. Some cool Kree characters, although they didn't last. The second part is my personal favorite; basically, they go back to the present timeline.... And a lot of stuff happens. But the main overacher is that General Talbut wants to become this hero that can stop and destroy the "Destoryer of Worlds" which technically becomes him after he uses Gravitonium to become a empty shell of a person. Like I said, a lot of stuff happens, like the introduction of Ruby (Hydras future leader) and a few others, but I will say the last couple episodes were some of the most engaging I've seen yet.

Now with season 6, things are changed up a bit, with Coulson returning as Sarge, a character who posses Coulson's body. Now, this character was pretty interesting, with many layers to unravel. This season mostly is about Sarge and his teams' quest to find and kill Izel, (who is basically a 4th dimensional creature that can inhabit anyone's body and control them) before she can destroy the planet. It's all around a somewhat confusing, mysterious season that doesn't reveal things until later in the season. Izel was a very menacing villain, Coulson's antihero/villain arc was extremely awesome and refreshing, and honestly, a satisfying season that teases the final season spectacularly.

Now season 7, the final season. Watching this season was so much fun and rewarding, as this season has our shield agents stuck in a time-jumping zephyr, giving different era vibes with *mostly* each season. Now sadly, most the season has Fitz MIA which kinda hurt the overall vibes of the "last hoorah" season but the story he serves is by far more important than fan service. Anyways, the season ties up a lot of loose ends the series (and even the Agent Carter show) never got to tie up, with some surprise character appearances. Also, we finally get the "last hoorah" with Coulson once again, even though he's technically a LMD, it still felt like ole classic Agents of Shield again. The villains of this season did a good job keeping the stakes high, with both the chromicons and Hydra founders working together to basically wipe out Shield. Seriously, this was basically Infinity war/Engame to the Agent of Shield show, and it definitely serves up exactly what was awesome about the show. The ending was bittersweet, as I'm not entirely sure we'll see these characters again in the MCU, but shoot, this was good enough.

In all, despite one of the most annoying seasons ever to be made in television history, (season 1) this series found its footing and served up (imo) one of the best character arcs in the MCU. Long live Agent Coulson and long live S. H. I. E. L. D. Highly recommended.
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The Punisher (2017–2019)
4.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Punisher. One of my favorite Marvel characters ever. I remember finding a fascination with his character at a young age, reading comics, and watching the film adaption from 2003 starring Thomas Jane. Such a tormented soul who is good deep down, but messed up in the head. This incarnation of Frank Castle was perfectly casted, written, and presented in Daredevil season 2, with a huge leading role in that season that set his character up nicely for a series of his own. Be warned; might contain some minor spoilers

Season 1: Continuing the overall story of Frank Castle from the Daredevil's season 2, we see Castle become the true Punisher, seeing not only his origin to why he's this way, but we also get a awesome villain out of it with the introduction of Billy Russo, a guy who happens to be one of Frank Castle's military buddies. The character was written/acted so well; definitely one of the better parts of the show. Some new character additions, such as Dinah Madani, a homeland security agent who ends up being a asset for Frank Castle, and another character named Micro, who is a hacker/ex-NSA analyst that becomes Frank Castles right hand man. Both characters serve the story perfectly, giving Frank some leverage to the complete bats*** crazy conspiracy he's got himself wrapped in. Oh, there's also a notable appearance from Karen Page that really felt organic. The season is also hand down some of the most violent material I've seen in a Marvel film/show, which is exactly what Punisher needs, as this source material isn't quirky superhero material. Definitely some really great stuff

Season 2: While this season doesn't exactly hit the same strides as the first season, it still pulls it's punch, bringing back not only Madani but also Billy Russo as the now Punisher villain, Jigsaw. Now, I did have an issue with some smaller details surrounding Jigsaw, such as his face not being deformed at all, despite the brutal season 1 finale and the mask he wears throughout the second season. It's a small complaint, but one nonetheless. Anyways, the return of the character was awesome, having him deal with supposed amnesia. His psychotherapist becomes embroiled in his escapades too, with her dealing with almost a Stockholm syndrome relationship with Russo. It definitely was an interesting plot point . I think my main complaint about this season is the other villain that's introduced, which is a dude named John Bishop who seemed to be a priest who happened to be involved with the mob. I liked the acting, but his character could have been more fleshed out and more intriguing than it was. Despite this, he served his purpose and was decent enough to serve the plot, which involved another character named Amy, who is the main plot device of this season. I think all in all, this season was solid. Obviously some issues but to me, they were all minor and extremely forgivable considering how awesome the season is. It ends on a semi decent note, and cannot wait to see Frank's return in Daredevil: Born Again.

In all, my second favorite Marvel/Netflix series behind Daredevil. The brutality, the acting, the writing, this show does is all and does it amazingly. 100% would recommend to people who like Marvel and gritty crime stories.
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Inhumans (2017)
2.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
4 March 2024
A missed opportunity that I think may have hurt the MCU universe, this one season series details the lives of Inhumans who live secretly on the moon who have to deal with a coup and a imminent threat that threatens the lives of them all. Now, I love this lore, and really wanted to see these characters, storylines, and lore carried through other MCU properties, but after seeing some of the performances from these actors, the awful dialogue, uneven story structure, and a pretty weak villain, it was probably for the best this series was kinda left in the dust. Now, I will say Black Bolt was probably the best part of the show. His origin was really intresting, the actor that portrayed him did very well playing the character without ever speaking (except that one time toward the end), and honestly, was the fundamental reason why this shows is somewhat worth checking out. Medusa wasn't a horrible character, but because she was bald the entire show, her power was nonexistent, and her character just seemed like a missed opportunity. A couple other characters weren't horrible, such as Crystal and her sidekick dog Lockjaw, but still, there were some issues I had revolving around some of her dialogue, but I was a fan of the character and a fan of the goofy giant dog Lockjaw. Other characters, such as Karnak and Gorgon were pretty forgettable, although they had somewhat intresting storylines, but what really hurt this was the villain, Black Bolts brother Maximus. Literally this entire storyline is almost exactly like Thor and Loki, but with Maximus, he's an angry little man because he's not an Inhuman like his brother. Idk the actor who portrayed him isn't a bad actor (his portrayal of Ransey from Game Of Thrones is proof he's a awesome actor) but I don't think he was the right guy for this job. Idk if it was entirely a casting problem, I think he did the best he could with the material he had, but toward the end of this series, I was moaning and groaning everytime he was on screen. He was actually horrible. The writing is probably the worst part of the show too, despite having a cool central story. Just an all around disappointing series that deserved far better. The Inhumans storyline this series tells definitely should be rebooted in the future (or maybe even revisited but with actual care and quality). An all around disappointing endeavor that I wouldn't recommend, although to fans of the MCU, you might find some enjoyment out of this.
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A Plague Tale: Innocence (2019 Video Game)
5 Stars out of 5 Stars
4 March 2024
A tour de force is narrative storytelling, this game is unmistakably a masterpiece. Now, I haven't played a story game like this in a long time, where not only did the game focus on storytelling, character development, world building, but it also had gameplay that wasn't just a sole walking simulator. This game not only has you solve many puzzles involving lighting or putting out fires, navigating around bloodthirsty rats, and either sneaking or killing numerous soldiers. Literally everything I want in a game.

Now, the plot involves a little boy and her sister (who you play as) navigating a 12 century France that's not only dealing with the hundred year war, and a plague, but an infestation of rats pits the future of the world uncertain. Luckily, Hugo is a special boy who has some kind of supernatural thing in his blood called the Macula which gives him some pretty interesting powers. Now, throughout the game, you play as mostly the sister, Amicia, who uses a slingshot to either kill guys, distract guys, or solves certain obstacles that may need some attention. Now, lemme just say, it's so fun, with certain parts harder than others, mostly the ending is where the difficulty spikes. Really though, the game wasn't that hard and despite the difficult moments, finally progressing through those parts were so satisfying.

In all, after my 21 hour playthrough getting all the achievements, I'd say this is the best game I've played this year yet. It's brutal, it's sad, it's enduring, it's everything you'd want from a dramatic horror game. Just the evolution of the game itself where you first see the rats as the biggest enemy, and then toward the end where you use the rats as your means for hope, it's masterful, and I truly cannot wait to see what the sequel has in store.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
3.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
4 March 2024
Here we go; the Marvel Netflix show that get the most hate. While it does have many problems (Danny as a character is a bit annoying at times), it still didn't deserve the harsh criticism that it got. Really, there's lots of good characters and an interesting storyline that becomes the catalyst for the Defenders miniseries.

Season 1: The introduction of Danny Rand is an intresting one, showing a guy who's been in a mystical world for years, and comes back to New York to take back his company while also protecting the world from threats. Another character they introduce is Colleen Wang who becomes the 2nd most important character in this show (and truthfully, my personal favorite). Rand and Joy are two other characters that play significant roles, as both of them are the owners of Rand Enterprise. Hogarth from Jessica Jones makes a cameo, with a logical reason why she shows up in the show. Another prominent character from past Netflix Marvel shows is Madame Gao, who has a big hand in the corruption shown is this season, mostly involving Harold and his dealing with The Hand. And of course, we get a Claire cameo, who helps out Danny and Colleen find a chemist. Bakuto is another character who's revealed as Colleens sensi, and has a prominent role in at least this season and The Defenders. Now, despite the season having a few problems, I think the story/lore to this season is probably the most important to The Defenders miniseries, and honestly, it just reminded me and gave me the vibes of the Daredevil show, so I can't complain that much about it. I think the season packs so much in it, but at the same time, kinda meanders in parts. In all, a great season which introduced a lot of important characters and plot lines.

Season 2: Now, despite this season having a clear better understanding of the story and being able to tell the story rather than explain backstories and what not, I still think the villains, the action, really just alot of the story too was weaker than season 1. Now, despite me liking Davos and completely understanding his motives, I think he was written and maybe even acted a little cartoony. He wasn't as convincing as he should of been, but really, the main issue I had was the partnership he has with Joy. Like, Joy's motives just doesn't fully make sense, like I understand why she's upset, but how would killing Danny Rand going to solve this? Idk the writers could've done a way better job. Despite this negativity, I still think Colleen Wang is one of the best characters in all of the Netflix-released Marvel shows, as the actress does such a great job playing this character. The plot involves a few things, mostly dealing with Davos hellbent plan on taking Danny's Iron Fist power, while Joy assists because ... well... because "Danny ruined everything!" Like jeez..... anyways, good stuff. Colleen becomes the new Iron Fist which I really hope we get to see more of in the future, and for some reason Danny has Iron Fist guns? I have no idea what that post credit scene was but it definitely made me cringe.

In all, I'd say this is a pretty solid MCU series, with plenty of interesting plots and characters to warrant this watch. It also has one of the most important plots in the Netflix-Marvel interconnected universe, so definitely give this one a watch if you plan on checking those out.
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Soul Finder (2021 Video Game)
2.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
19 February 2024
I don't really know how I even came across this game. Seen it was free on the Xbox Store, and the user reviews said it was short but fun so I decided to play and beat it really quick. Now, the game took about 12 minutes to beat, and while it was pretty short, there's a couple levels that take some effort to complete. Really, all the game has to offer is a side-scroll akin to a cheap phone app game where you play as a ghost and have to jump over spikes, move and jump on boxes, and collect keys. There's... not much here. It's obvious the game is as low budget as it can get, as there's no achievements and it doesn't even pop up in your gaming history, so while I can say the game wasn't a bad experience and always appreciate indie developers, the game just want very satisfying and was way too short and barebones to really recommend.
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Anthem (2019 Video Game)
3 Stars out of 5 Stars
19 February 2024
When I first started playing this game, it was about a year ago; just yet another game attempted to coop with my friend, and I think we only made it like 3 missions past the introduction before he called it quits because of "lag" (he uses a crappy Xbox One) and I was left with yet again another game we started together and him just bailing partial/midway through, so me being a completionist, I decided I'd continue playing the game by myself.

So, the first impression about this game is that it really is hella fun. The flying mechanics is probably the best part of the game, being able to fly around this jungle-infested world with ease. Now, it definitely isn't flawless though, as you can only fly a certain height before getting pushed back down, which makes certain areas of the map kinda annoying. I also wish you were able to fly longer; I mean you can get a heat sink augment that gives you more fly time, but it just seemed limiting. Now, the map was cool enough; I did like the free play open world aspect... at first. It was cool exploring at your own pace, finding documents, runes, but only in increments as there isn't any story missions to do in free play, only things called Events that usually have you do a rinse and repeat mission. Now, the story. Well, I will say when I first started the game, the story seemed so barebones and frankly generic. The plot revolving around a planet littered with relics that give off a phenomenon called the Anthem of Creation, you play as a Freelancer, who are people who use exosuits to help stop and contain these relics/factions that would use these to their advantages. Now, while I did enjoy that BioWare decided to mix fantasy with science fiction, I don't think this was the best way to do it. The amount of lore they decide to dump on you in this game in insane, but to someone that thinks the story is already mediocre, it almost becomes pointless learning about yet again another battle or fun fact. But I'd say around the halfway mark of the game, it actually gets really intresting. Now, with this game, I was never truly invested with the faction stories, nor the relic lore or anything like that, but I really did enjoy the somewhat character development they have with some of these characters, even having a twist I didn't expect coming. During the campaign, I first used the Colossus javelin, and man was this javelin so much fun. I usually love playing as a heavy so that's why this was my first choice, and man was it. After getting the achievements relating to this javelin, I decided to use the storm javelin, which is a build that has low armor but can be airborne for longer periods of time and uses elemental damage. I'm not gonna lie, I was hesitant on using this javelin as I definitely figured it would be lame compared to the heavy exo I was more used to using. But I found that the storm was actually really fun, being able to fly and attack from high above with elemental damage actually proves useful to situations, especially dealing with hordes. And also, imo, he had by far the coolest looking armor in the entire game (and by time I was finishing up the game, this was the javelin I used the most). Now, after getting those javelin-specific achievements for the storm, I decided to then move into using the Interceptor which was a javelin designed for speed, agility, and to be honest, melee combat in general. Honestly, didn't know this was going to be this fun. I also found a really cool color scheme for this suit that was similar to Mark Grayson's Invincible, and a Baja blast-inspired twist. Now, by time I used this exo, I was so far into the game, so using a exo that had no common gear proved to be a struggle at times. This is when I started grinding out the free play collectibles (which tbh didn't get as far as I wanted to get) but it was enough to collect enough decent loot to at least continue the campaign. Toward the end is where the story gets somewhat good too, especially a plot point revolving around a character named Owen who ends up betraying you (which to me was unexpected) but other than this and I guess some of the character interactions I had, the story just still seemed bland and not up-to-code with other BioWare games. And this is frankly sad, as Mass Effect is one of my favorite sci-fi games ever, and not because of the gameplay, but because of the rich lore they present in a mystery setting. This game doesn't have that; instead it gives you way too much info on battles, people/legends you're not familiar with, just a lot of filler that doesn't bring anything to the story. The ending with the return of the Ursix could have been an even cooler twist to the game in the end, but from there, the story just... ends... presumably because there was going to be more story updates added to the game before EA decided to shut down development. I guess there's a couple other side missions you can do but there's really not much to them except give you a little more time with certain characters. But after this, the game becomes the endgame, with very little to no plot at all. Basically, to prove you're a legend of tarsis, you have to complete a bunch of boring, grindy missions that only have so much replayability before it just becomes insufferable. Now, if the game didn't boast amazing and addicting gameplay, I would of ended my playthrough here. But because it was, and I genuinely enjoyed helping other players out with my badass javelins, I stuck with it. The first one I ended up finishing was beating 25 contracts, which in this game, is basically a "side mission" that's really just some repeatable mission with no lore and just a way to get loot. They were fun at first, since some of them had cool moments like me having to kill a Ursix, but because you have to complete 25, and there's like 3-4 variations, you're gonna be doing the same thing multiple times. The next thing I ended up finishing was both quick play and strongholds at the same time, as all I did was quick play strongholds instead of quick playing missions. This way, I was able to only have to do 25 of them, getting 2 birds in one stone but also having to do the same 3 strongholds 25 different times was annoying to say the least. But also, no one did any strongholds other than the first one so I was seriously stuck joining the same stronghold one after another after another. Definitely got old, but I definitely got my fair share of masterwork/legendary gear and weapons. Actually, because of this, I ended up getting my Storm and Colossus javelins upgraded to Masterworks class, so at least it wasn't a huge waste of time. Now, after that, the only thing I had to do was finish 100 events in freeplay, and god this was seriously insufferable. During this time, I tried my best to collect as many collectibles as possible, but it was at a certain point, I gave up. Why you ask? Well, there was no way I was gonna grind out collectibles that are literally rng based, (after dealing with that in Marvels Avengers, I decided never again) so finding certain ones (arcanist and sentinel collectibles) were next to impossible, especially since there were more rare to find. I was able to find mostly all the other collectibles, but since I've grinded this game out to it's bone, been to every square inch of the map thrice, and truthfully, didn't care that much to get more lore, nor did I care about the last achievement, I just focused on finishing the events rather than look at every question make that popped up on my compass. I mean, there is no respect for players time with that kind of gameplay, so I wasn't going to give it the time. Now, after finally grinding out these dumb events, and thinking I finally beat the endgame, yet another quest is given to you where you have to kill literal thousands of different enemies (and on top of that, I looked it up and apparently THEE final endgame mission is after that one and you have to complete daily and weekly missions) and honestly, I put my hands up. The game had robbed me enough of my time, and with this endgame just being downright pointless, I ended my play through with 118 hours logged. While I do recommend the game for people who enjoy action sci-fi games, I still think this was a huge shame coming from BioWare. I truly do think that if EA would of let Anthem 2.0 became a thing, Anthems endgame and the game as a whole would of worked so much better, but because it was left in this empty state, I wouldn't recommend playing past the games serviceable campaign.
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1.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
14 February 2024
After watching that Spider-Man NBA finals commercial, this was just yet again another commercial hidden to look like a marvel short film. While it essentially all has to offer is show Tom Hollands Peter Parker drive his Audi that apparently Tony Stark has given him for a driving test with a driver instructor, with a small bad guy mishap in between, this really was pointless. Idk, I didn't find this one clever, funny, or really that interesting, I mean even Tom Holland could save it. The ending was also ridiculous and truthfully, this entire commercial can probably just be skipped by marvel fans entirely.
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2.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
14 February 2024
I get it, it's a just a glorified commercial, but what I found hilarious is that for some reason, the viewers were supposed to just assume and completely go along with the character Happy and other party goers just eat plain old saltine crackers as a party snack. Idk I found that product placement a bit ridiculous. But, really all this short shows is Peter Parker trying to hurry up and get stuff for the party so he can watch the NBA finals, and of course, it's not exactly what he expects. Robert Downey Jr makes an appearance, also there a DJ Khaled and Magic Johnson cameos. Idk I can't recommend it but I didn't think it was necessarily horrible. If you really really liked Spider-Man Homecoming, this wouldn't be a bad companion piece, but personally, I wasn't a fan.
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Crimson Alliance (2011 Video Game)
3 Stars out of 5 Stars
14 February 2024
I've had this game downloaded on my Xbox 360 ever since I bought my 360 back in 2011 but never got around to buying the full release. Decided it was time, and bought not only the direwolf character but bought the dlc map too. Now, going into the game, the story was okay I guess. Basically, the queen that rules this land becomes corrupt and evil and starts a cultist kingdom filled with all kinds of creatures to murder like the undead and golblin/demon looking things. While the story doesn't have much to offer, at least it gives the gameplay a backdrop and was somewhat interesting learning the twist toward the end of the game, especially since I was playing the character that the reveal was about. The gameplay was a Diablo-like that had certain gear to pick up throughout the game, or you could save up your coins and buy the gear/weapons instead. I decided to save my coins until toward the end of the game, where I bought certain equipment that gave me massive amounts of health and fireball damage. This is what helped me beat the game, especially some of the annoying parts toward the end. Also, I tried to get as many achievements as I could, and while I wasn't able to get 8x multiplayer, gold on all story missions, and beat the first mission with gold using all 3 characters, I did get the rest that, and ended my playthrough. The fistful of coins challenge pack was intresting, but I only got to wave 7 before calling it quits. The 2 last dlcs levels were tough, especially the last one, Inferno, but I think they were fun enough to warrant the time and effort. I just wish they added some kind of story to it the dlcs. Now, to people who enjoy these kinds of games, give it a shot, as it definitely isn't bad, and was actually kinda fun.
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2 Stars out of 5 Stars
13 February 2024
Imagine if this was how the avengers acted in the movies? Imagine seeing an entire sequence in a movie where Hulk and Vision wipe out an entire city block just because Hulk wants his waffle mixer back but vision toys with him and runs away, making him mad and chase him, destroying everything and killing everyone in his way. This is what this commercial basically depicts, except Antman steals Hulks mini coke, which makes him mad and hop and smash around New York to get it. It's ridiculous, non-canonical, can't say it was good, but the CGI was good, so maybe watch it if you're that much of a fanboy? Idk I don't recommend it.
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Luke Cage (2016–2018)
3.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
13 February 2024
While this is definitely Luke Cage's show, this isn't the first time we've seen him. Being an integral part of Jessica Jones season 1, this is the continuation of that character and while it doesn't exactly goes the same heights as Jessica Jones or Daredevil, it's a damn good time

Season 1; Fresh off the action packed season of Daredevil season 2, I seen this was where our Netflix MCU story continues, further establishing The Defenders roster. Really glad they explained Luke Cages powers in this season( machine used to heal faster malfunctioned while Cage was in it) Taking place sometime after Jessica Jones Season 1's ending, we see Luke Cage ditch Hells Kitchen for Harlem Which sets the backdrop for the many characters we meet. First we have Cottonmouth; a ruthless nightclub owner who gets a visit from Shades, an associate of Cottonmouths employer Diamondback. Now, before I start talking about the characters, let me first off and say how great some of these scenes in this very first episode was. That entire scene of Cottonmouth giving his "everybody want to be the king" monologue was *chefs kiss*. Anyways, I think Ali did a great performance, and sadly was cut too short midway through the season. Meanwhile we have another character named Detective Misty who becomes a integral part to the entire Defenders roster. And of course, the return of Claire... visiting her mother in Harlem, with a calling to help people with abilities. 2 more characters, Mariah and Shades, are also prominent in this, with becoming some of the best written villains in the show. And finally; Striker/Diamondback. Oh and he happens to be Cages half brother! S**t just got real. The ending fight between Luke and Styker was fun, but corny at the same time, A good season, although some stuff was corny, especially Diamondback, and there was a lot of uneventful episodes, but other than that, a great season.

Season 2: Now, this season is set after The Defender miniseries, so we see Cage becoming more of a celebrity, but he's also forced to deal with not only the partnership between Mariah and Shades, but he also has a newcomer in Harlem. Bushmaster proved to be a pretty convincing villain, with his goal to wipe out Mariah and take what what rightfully was his. While I don't think any of the characters quite matched Cottonmouth's, I think this season fleshed out and made both Shades, Mariah, and Bushmaster a trio of villains that each had their own goals and demons to figure out. Now, the ending was pretty interesting, and would like to see that more in the future, perhaps is a future Luke Cage show???

In all, this 2 season show was pretty cool. It gave this universe a vibe I think it may have been missing, and to see street crime being dealt with with such a charming guy as Luke Cage, you can't complain. Definitely recommended.
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3.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
13 February 2024
A campy, silly goofy ode to everything you'd expect from James Gunn and his love for the ridiculous 70s-80s music video genre. Even better is that he got (mostly) the entire cast of Guardians (Saldana, Pratt, Bautista, the list goes on) to perform in this grainy music video so that just this even better. And oh, just in case you didn't know, it stars David Hasselhoff himself, I mean who else. And he sings THEE song from the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack and lemme jus say, it's hilarious. It's all around pretty funny as a little funny side thing for Guardians/MCU fans to check out. I'd recommend it.
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WHIH News Front (2015–2016)
3 Stars out of 5 Stars
13 February 2024
(While I usually review shorts individually, these shorts were so short and didn't have much content, so I decided to review the entire in one review)

A little treat to MCU fans who can't get enough of the universe lore dump. Set in between Avengers Age of Ultron, and spanning both Antman and Captain America Civil War, this webseries depicting new channel updates regarding the Avengers should have had ran for a few more seasons longer to fully justify its existence. It had some pretty interesting moments, especially toward the end when it started digging into the Nigerian incident from the beginning of Captain America: Civil War, but it kind of just ends, and when it did, it felt like it's entire purpose became pointless. Definitely a missed opportunity here (maybe they can revive it and save it somehow?), but for MCU diehards, maybe you'll get a kick outta it.
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Jessica Jones (2015–2019)
4 Stars out of 5 Stars
8 February 2024
The 2nd Marvel show Netflix put out, we got a woman named Jessica Jones who harnesses special abilities like superhuman strength, and jumping high in the air. While it's a much more different show from Daredevil, it still brings much depth to this universe.

Season 1: With the first season of Jessica Jones, we get introduced to an alcoholic private detective who lives in NCY, with the plot revolving around her trying to find and end Killgrave's wrath. You see, Killgrave is a master manipulator. Actually, it's more like mind control using a virus he emits, and he uses this to get what he wants, with Jessica Jones as his main target. Hes obsessed with her but she doesn't feel the same, not in the slightest. We also get some other cool characters, like the one and only Luke Cage as the abnormally strong and thick-skinned bar owner that often gets booty calls from Jessica Jones, Hogarth as the lawyer that helps/doesnt help with the Killgrave case, and Trish as a radio personality that also happens to be Jessica's sister (sorta). While I did enjoy these flashback scenes, I wish we could of gotten more of a look into Killgrave and how he became a virus powerhouse or how Jessica Jones or even how Luke Cage got their abnormal abilities. I hope we get the rundown next season as it's already teased that a research company called IGH probably has something to do with Jessica Jones and her abilities, and hopefully we see some more revealing story regarding Luke Cage in his own show. While I think this season wasn't nearly as amazing as Daredevil Season 1, it's still a great addition to the MCU Netflix universe, with a cool appearance from Claire from DDS1.

Season 2: This season was quite the upgrade, for me that is. Introducing Jessica Jones super powered mother was a great addition to this series with some very unfortunate outcomes. Trish on the other hand gets hooked on combat enhancer, which really becomes the downfall for her. This season definitely made the character relationships way more complex, especially considering the ending with Trish. This season also digs into IGH more so I definitely appreciated that. Would say I was definitely impressed with this season and am actually excited to see the conclusion of the show.

Season 3: Well, now I think I may have had my expectations a little too high for this season. Not saying it was bad; it's probably it's in line with season 1 quality wise. I just think the amazing trish storyline should have been given more time to breathe. I think I'm going to blame the apparently obvious requirement for these filmmakers to only make 13 episodes and at a certain timeframe, but man. I just loved that twist so much. Salinger on the other hand; there were aspects I really liked about him. And others that just felt goofy, uninspired, but the performance by the actor was awesome. The season defiantly seemed to meander as well, which made it feel underwhelming in parts, but overall, I think the second half of the season definitely saves it, with a finale that really did sting.

Overall, I wouldn't even think of not watching this show if you call yourself a Marvel/comic book fan. It's definitely way different than your average marvel show which keeps the material fresh, but that doesn't mean certain areas of the show will meander and feel meaningless. I think Krysten Ritter is such an amazing actress, and wouldn't even think to even try to recast this role. She embodies Jessica, and honestly, she makes even the subpar parts of the show still watchable, as she is quite charming. The villains are badass as well, with Killgrave being my favorite, and I could keep going in but I'll end it here. Recommended!
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
5 Stars out of 5 Stars
7 February 2024
Growing up on the 2003 Daredevil film, the character Matt Murdock is a very familiar one. I always found BenAffleck as a great actor to play the character, so seeing this Netflix series cast a completely new actor, I was intrigued at what/he could bring to the character that Affleck didn't...and lemme tell ya, perfect casting! Charlie Cox imbeds the character, playing a much more grounded, complex Matt Murdock. Seriously, Ben Affleck couldn't even outdo Cox's emotional battle he has in what he's doing. The show is near perfect, as evidently shown as soon as season 1, but to really watch this show as it was intended, you must intertwine the other Defenders Marvel shows in the correct order. For people who don't know, watch each season by release date. Yes it's a lot, but totally worth watching in order to get the greatest experience of not just Daredevil, but all of these great characters and storylines. (Forewarning, might be spoilers)

Season 1: I love this grounded reality we have here in the MCU. In Hells Kitchen, we have an entire city alive at night, crimes of all kinds are brewing here, and a blind lawyer named Matt Murdock who has these abnormal abilities that makes him look at his surroundings using an echolocation type process, is fed up with it. While we get this story unfolding of this city being bought off by a rich philanthropist Wilson Fisk, we also get deep character stories, first starting off with Matt Murdock, and following with another named Fisk, played by the great Vincent d'Ofrino. Here, we see a man, not only blinded by his ill-intended promise to make the city better, but also vulnerable because of his new love interest, and his mother, which is a important part of his life, as flashbacks will show you. Now, in 13 episodes, we don't only get these characters, we also get many others, like Foggy Nelson as Murdocks business partner/friend, Deborah Ann Woll as the business partner who brings this conspiracy to their knowledge, Scott Glenn as Matt Murdocks old mentor Stick, Rosario Dawson as a nurse named Claire that is the first to find out the masked man Murdock's real identity, and lastly Bob Gunton as Fisk's right hand man Wesley which I found to be a really great character but was sadly ended too early IMO. There's many other characters that bring depth to this show but I won't list them as the list is already long enough. I just think this was probably one of the best seasons of television that lays out this comic perfectly. One of the better MCU properties I've seen yet

Season 2: Upted the ante to 100%, this time in Hells Kitchen, we got a vigilante on the loose, taking out warehouses full of Irish mobsters and whatnot. Detective Daredevil is on the case! Seriously though, probably 4 or so years ago, I really got into these MCU Netflix shows. I remember rewatching DareDevil season 1 around 3 different times, loving it more and more each time, and I remember watching Jessica Jones season 1, which was a nice change of pace for this gritty Hell's Kitchen, but I remember sitting down, watching this season for the first time, and remember being absolutely astounded. And now, coming back all of these years later, revisiting and reviewing this season of Daredevil is particular, has me feeling so freaking hype! Where do I even begin!?!? First off, The Punisher is the perfect pairing for this show, making this one of the most violent seasons of any MCU show/film as of 2021. Pitting/pairing both of these vigilantes develops a juxtaposition both ideologies they hold; one believes justice through the court system ,while the other believes killing is the only way to stop them for good. The graveyard scene in particular was such an emotional scene, perfectly acted by Jon Berthal, develops a picture of what emotional trauma he's going through. What a great origin for The Punisher! Now, don't let me forget about Elektra. Omfg I can't overstate enough how much better casted/developed this character was compared to Jennifer Garners incarnation. The flashbacks of her and Murdock meeeting for the first time, and eventually to where she leads him to his fathers killer was a bit unexpected, but this showed the kind of relationship they both shared; one that doesn't mind killing, and the other against it. In present time, we see both Murdock and Nachios infiltrate Roxxon corporation to try and stop the corruption the yakuza have done. It's also revealed she is the Black Sky, a supposed mystical being The Hand worships, which I wasn't familiar with at all. Yeah s**t gets real in this. But of course, not as real as her ultimate demise in the end by Nobu. Or is it? Then we have the return of Stick, who reveals to Murdock about The Hand and how he's the leader of The Chaste, a group of warriors who try and stop The Hand from unleashing it's ultimate weapon, while also mentioning that Elektra is part of this Chaste, showing by flashbacks of him training her when she was young, keeping it from her that she's actually a dangerous weapon The Hand wants all this time. Another big-baller in this season was of course the big and bad that is Vincent d'ofreinos Kingpin. It gets us up to speed from what happened after season 1, showing him garner respect from fellow inmates and guards until he basically owns the place. Of course he recruits punisher while he's at it, so there sure is bloodshed to be had. But what was really special with Kingpin this season was the scene with him and Matt Murdock in the prison; one of the best scenes in the show so far, with some hefty promises made that Nelson and Murdock will feel Fisks wrath once he's out of prison. Going about some side characters, a character that returns from DDS1 and even Jessica Jones season 1 is Brett Mahoney, the deputy who was bribed with cigars from Nelson, this time becoming a detective for turning in the punisher. I like this relationship he and Daredevil share; reminds me of the Batman/Gordon relationship a little bit. Another side character that returns in Nobu; except the dude is now dead yet alive, so s**t is complicated. A sweet little cameo from Hogarth from Jessica Jones pops up, with Nelson working for her firm now. And finally of course Claire makes her return, with her dealing with murderous ninjas and quitting her job att the corrupt hospital she works for. This season was definitely a game changer for the lawyer trip tho, as the team breaks up, we're left to wonder if they'll ever reconcile again. Such a complex season of television, and lemme tell ya, one of my favorite seasons of television I've seen yet. Cannot wait to watch the defenders/season 3 of this show, but with all of these other Netflix Marvel shows, it might be a second.

Season 3: So after about a year or 2, I've finally gotten around to finishing season 3 of this show after a small hiatus. While I won't be as descriptive in this season review, I still think it's one of the best the MCU has. With this season taking place after the Defenders miniseries, we see a damaged and inflicted Matt Murdock who is now suffering from injuries relating to his hearing. This season almost seemed like it wanted Murdock to go back to square one again, with him basically retiring his red devil suit and going back to the original black outfit he wore in season 1. With this season, we see Fisk make a deal with federal agents so he can be released out of prison. In doing so, we get introduced to a new character that becomes a very important character throughout the season; Dex Poindexter. He's a damaged man, and Fisk brings him under his wing as one of his fbi henchmen, occasionally dressing up as Daredevil to kill/cause crime to discredit the Daredevil alias. The season also expertly continues Vanessa Fisks story, revealing she isn't as innocent as she may seem. I think my favorite part of the show was showing Nadeem, a fbi agent that is forced into this crime conspiracy, and the conflicts he had with becoming a dirty cop. His entire arc was nerve wracking and albeit sad, rounded out amazingly. Of course all the recurring characters such as foggy and Karen are integral to this season too, with Karen even becoming a huge asset to the plot. This season definitely concludes amazingly well, but obviously from the cliffhangers, some of these characters were just getting started.

In all, this show is probably my favorite superhero show and definitely one of my favorites in general. The gritty, expertly crafted world that's shown in this show was top tier comic book material that any fan of the genre should check out. The characters all matter to the story, the plot lines are seriously so good. And of course, Charlie Cox's portrayal of Matt Murdock/Daredevil is some of the best casting I've ever seen. 100% recommend this.
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4 Stars out of 5 Stars
5 February 2024
Ohhh yeahhh, this was a long time coming. I can't even say how long ago I started this game; probably around 8+ months ago, which in turn, took me another 3 months to finally finish the game. Now, I think I me and my friend beat the first dark souls and like 2 weeks later we started this one, so there was barely any kind of breather in between. My first reactions I remember was that the game definitely seemed like it was trying to be more player-friendly than the first game, with a tutorial and plenty of easy tho ya to kill.

With my character, I decided to go a full strength build because after the first game, I desperately wanted to be the big bonk guy that could take a hit or two. And man, this build was so much fun. Actually able to go 1v1 against these scary bosses without feeling like I'm about to get wiped off the face of the map was such a pleasant surprise. Now, the story is about as non-linear as the first game, with this one presumably being set thousands of years in the future from Dark Souls 1, with certain areas that feel somewhat similar, although still keeping its dark fantasy setting. Now, I can't remember everything I did within this game, so I can't give much details that I want, but I do plan on replaying the game. I do remember most of the bosses being fairly more easy than the first game, maybe because of my build, but once we got into the 3 The Lost Crowns dlcs, I started to clutch a little more. Definitely enjoyed all 3 but this is definitely the most challenging part of the game. After killing all 3 kings, you get an awesome crown, but since all I needed was to kill Nashandra, it didn't feel like it was used to its potential. I think it only took us one try to beat her, but it surely was a finale to remember. Now, because this version of the game includes extra and reworked material from the first game, I won't review each dlc individually like I usually do, and because this game offers a New Game + that's apparently vast in its new enemy and weapon/gear placements, I will definitely revisit this game eventually. So for now, after over 100 hours played and reaching I believe level 180, I called it quits... for now. Once I play and beat this game again, I'll come back to update this review.
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Inside Job (2021–2022)
3.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
5 February 2024
This 2 part animated show with comedy/artstyle akin to Rick and Morty was a decent animated series that honestly didn't get enough time to truly shine. It boasts some intresting characters, mostly the main character Reagan, who tries throughout the series proving herself that she can take control of the secret society her father runs. I wish there was more of a overarching plot line but there were elements, and some of the one off stuff was fun. I think the second part was a little more rough, and knowing this isn't going to return for a 2nd season, the ending felt pointless, but there's definitely enough voice acting magic and hilarious jokes to recommend this to any adult animated fan.
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The Crew (2014 Video Game)
3 Stars out of 5 Stars
4 February 2024
Ultimate Edition: : it's becoming an all too often occurrence for a game developer company to shut down servers to games. This one stung a little different in particular since not only does it shut off the services to online play, but it also shut off access to play this game completely. This was a game that was in my backlog for awhile now but just never got around to it, so seeing it delisted and it given a 3 month server shutdown notice was a little frustrating. Luckily, the internet exists so I was able to get a physical release of it for cheap, and not only that, but I was able to get the ultimate edition with all the dlc.

The game is pretty fun. I like how they try and wrap a gritty story to the game, even though some of it seemed super corny and didn't work. You play as a guy named Alex who is recruited by the FBI to find, infiltrate, convict your brothers killer. By doing this, you compete in races, supply runs, takedowns, timed challenges, ya know, classic fast and furious chennanigans. Now, while I think ultimately the plot itself is forgettable, I think it does help the game out alot, especially getting me invested in the loads and loads of driving I did in this game. The main campaign takes quite a bit to complete, especially if you plan on doing side stuff too like finding landmarks, discovering data stations, unlocking parts to a vehicle you can unlock, upgrade your vehicle by doing skill challenges, really there is alot to do. I'd say for the most part i had a solid time, usually discovering all the landmarks before going to a new region and trying to find all the data stations/car parts. I will say; I did do a few of the crate missions, but they seemed a bit grindy and ngl, wasn't going to grind for a vehicle that I probably would never use. Now, with the gameplay, I found the driving to be really fun, especially visiting and seeing recognizable landmarks throughout the game. The developers did a pretty good job making a condensed USA, with a huge map to explore. Midwest/East Coast were a blast, these 2 regions are the 2 that I spent my time on getting used to the game and its mechanics, while also seeing just how much area there is to this map. Going down south was dope too, especially visiting Miami. Got me excited for GTA 6 ngl. Now, going west was a bit of a slog, as most of this area is desert, mountains, and just really nothing. I enjoyed visiting the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas though, especially Vegas. Going to the west coast, it was really anything truly special but still neat. Definitely dug visiting more cities in Cali than just LA, and going to Seattle was neat too.

Now before finishing all the dlc, I decided to grind the game a bit, getting achievements like finish the coast to coast faction mission and the landmark tour faction mission. Now, in order to get these achievements, you gotta play with at least one other player. Me not having any friends that wanted to play this game, I had to scour the lands trying to find someone who would play them with me. I eventually found someone to play coast to coast with, and man that was an intense race, albeit fun. The landmark tour mission was a different story; now I found someone to play with and everything (shoot we had a full crew!) and I'd say I was about 75%-80% done with the race when the game crashed. Not a big deal right? Wrong.... The race takes about 3+ hours to complete, and this was a wasted 2+ hours. Luckily, the guy helped me out a couple days later and I was able to fully finish the mission, but man it was annoying. A few other achievements like escape the police 100 times, multiple achievements for getting platinum in races, drive 200 laps around a specific racetrack, the list goes on. I think the last 2 I really grinded for was getting a 10k daily income, and getting platinums in every skill challenge in all 5 regions. Oh and get 5,000 miles in one vehicle.... Which literally took me the entire time of me playing this game to get, plus some. Speaking of the dlc, the wilds end dlc was definitely intriguing, but I feel like it was a severely missed opportunity. Mostly because they introduce awesome vehicles like monster trucks, drag racing, drift kits, motorcycles, but then do nothing with it except these events called summits that yes, are cool at first, but only have one kind thing to do with these vehicles. For example, monster trucks only have these stunt obstacle courses that basically mimic each other and all you do is either do stunts or collect point tiles. It's... well boring after you've done 2-3 summits already, so by time I was done with this game, I really didn't use the monster truck at all. Same with the motorcycle, my ford focus drifter, ect. Now the second dlc, Calling All Units, was a better direction, as not only did it add actual missions with story, but it added a cool feature where you can play as cops and engage players who are being chased by cops. I used it a few times just to mess around and found out it was kind fun, but it does lose its novelty pretty quick. I did enjoy the missions, although I thought it was too short. In all, this game wasn't half bad. I found out that it exceeded my expectations in certain aspects, but the grindy aspect to it definitely hurt my viewpoint of the game, as it doesn't care about the players time at all. After 125 hours, reaching lvl 58 (with a vehicle lvl at 1441) I called it quits. The game definitely is engaging, with decent music to choose from in its radio menu, fun and easy-to-learn driving mechanics, engaging map/world layout, and just all round addicting gameplay. Ultimately because the game goes offline soon, I don't recommend it, and because of that, I'm docking a half star from my rating, but I still don't regret binge playing this.
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Close to the Sun (2019 Video Game)
3.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
4 February 2024
A walking/puzzle sim set in an alternative late-1800s setting, you play as a woman named Ada who boards Nikola Teslas greatest invention the world has ever seen: the Helios. Now, I will say, the art direction of this ship was really cool. At times it felt very eerie and even spooky with its mysterious killing spree plot line, with multiple creatures and psychos lurking about. The storyline is the most engaging aspect, for me at least. I loved finding lore documents throughout the game, shelling out a story of this dystopian world where Tesla and Eddison are caught in some kind of Cold War esq situation where espionage and technological amazements are commonplace. Now, despite the awesome story, the gameplay leave something to desire as most walking sims do. But despite this, the puzzles weren't bad, and exploring the levels/finding the documents/tubes were fairly fun/easy. I love anything to do with time travel/ reality distortions so the reveals throughout the game were cool. The very ending was something that felt rushed but it wasn't bad; I actually thought it was rounded out good enough, but only if it gets a sequel. Took me a little over 7 hours to beat, so I didn't get the "beat the game in under 3 hours achievement " nor was I able to beat the game without dying so I didn't get that achievement either but I got the rest which imo are the only ones that matter. To people who enjoy mysteries/sci-fi/dystopian story games, give this one a shot. Definitely recommended.
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101 Dalmatian Street Shorts: Diva Pups (short) (2019)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
2 Stars out of 5 Stars
29 January 2024
And finally, the 10th and final short of the of the 101 Dalmatian Street shorts, this short titled Diva Pups, again pokes fun at people and the use of social media, more specifically models/influencers. In the short, 2 Dalmatians rack up likes by being, well, influencers, while the third Dalmatian is left on the sidelines. But when the 2 "divas" start trying to outperform each other and the viewers start dipping, it's all up to the 3rd Dalmatian to warm the hearts of the viewers. According to this short, the best way to gain followers is not to try too hard and be something you're not, also blowing bubbles helps too. Again, this isn't for me, but its amusing to an extent. In all, I personally wouldn't recommend any of these shorts (other than my biased reasoning for Space Pups) but people who enjoy kiddish cartoons will definitely probably get a kick outta these.
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101 Dalmatian Street Shorts: Disco Pups (short) (2019)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
2.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
29 January 2024
The ninth episode of the 101 Dalmatian Street shorts, this short called Disco Pups clearly pokes fun at all those TikTok dance routine videos, with some amusing results involving a dog that clearly can't dance to save its life, and another dog who takes dancing routine videos way too seriously. Maybe the commentary on this one is actually better than I initially thought, as it seemed like it was making fun/juxtaposing tiktokers who just dance to have fun and the tiktokers who take it way to seriously as it's some kind of prophetic act. Idk the short may be slightly good but not really my cup of tea at the end of the day, but it was better than I was expecting.
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101 Dalmatian Street Shorts: Space Pups (short) (2019)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
2.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
29 January 2024
The eighth episode of the 101 Dalmatian Street shorts, this short is probably my favorites of the shorts (which at the end of the day, isn't saying much as none of these shorts are really *that* good, but this short in particular was the only one I'd say WAS slightly good) The short has one of the Dalmatians stranded in space with a mischievous Dalmatian pup, and while it may seem inconceivably impossible for Dalmatians to be in space, it may not be the case here. Anyways, gotta love to see the black holes and the spaghettification of Dalmatian pups, so I would recommend this one to people that might be interested in the show.
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101 Dalmatian Street Shorts: Yoga Pups (short) (2019)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
2.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
29 January 2024
The seventh short in the 101 Dalmatian Street shorts, this short is personally one of my favorite of the shorts. This short has one Dalmatian get zen, while the other Dalmatian just wants her skateboard back. Not gonna lie, this short was more my style. I get it; the environments in this make no sense, like the skateboard sequence, but I dug the skateboarding/yoga vibes and I dug some of the animation/action sequences. Can't say it was really truly good though, but I'd recommend it for people who might be interested in checking out not only these shorts, but the show itself too to see if they would dig the overall vibe of the show.
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